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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Vision Source - Fox Optical the leading provider of vision care products and services in Lake Worth.

Barton Parker, O.D.

Barton J. Parker, O.D. is a board-certified optometric physician. He was born in Miami and raised in South Florida. Dr. Parker attended Florida State University for his undergraduate studies. In 1997, Dr. Parker received his doctorate degree from Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry. He graduated with honors and was a member of Beta Sigma Kappa Honor Society. Dr. Parker performs comprehensive eye exams and specializes in the management of ocular disease; including, cataract, glaucoma and refractive surgeries. He has been practicing in Lake Worth since 1999. He purchased Fox Optical in 2002. And moved it to it’s current location in 2014.

Dr. Parker routinely pursues continuing education to stay current with new trends and treatments in eye care with emphasis on new ocular pharmaceuticals and cataract, glaucoma and dry eye treatments.

Dr. Parker is professionally active as a member of the Palm Beach County Optometric Association, the Florida Optometric Association and the American Optometric Association. He is currently serving as Past President the board for the Palm Beach County Optometric Association and Co-chair for the PBCOA’s annual Winter Seminar.

At home, Dr. Parker spends his time with his lovely wife, son, daughter and their cocker spaniel Daisy. The family loves spending time at the ballpark, on the golf course, and traveling to new places to have fun.


Jessika is one of our Front Desk Specialists. She loves greeting our patients with a smile, scheduling appointments and is very knowledgeable about insurance plans. She is always available to answer any questions about our office and your insurance benefits. Jessika is a native Floridian, is bilingual and loves spending time with her family outdoors.


“Gina” is one of our highly trained frame & lens specialists with over 35 years of optical experience. She enjoys assisting our patients with selecting the perfect eyeglasses and lens options to meet all their optical needs. Gina has Long Island and New Jersey roots but really loves the Florida sunrises and sunsets.


Alison is one of our highly trained frame and lens specialists. She has been in the optical field for 18+ years. Alison is originally from Long Island but has called Florida home for many years. She is great at maximizing patients’ insurance benefits and has a real “Passion for Fashion”.


Paula is our Practice Administrator. She is charged with billing insurance companies on your behalf. She holds 2 degrees from Florida State University and is an invaluable asset to the office.


Carolina is one of our highly trained Ophthalmic Technicians. Carolina worked in Colombia as an Optometrist prior to moving to the United States. She will be one of the first people you work with in your journey through the exam process. Carolina is bilingual in English and Spanish and loves bike riding with her family.


Lisette is one of our highly skilled Ophthalmic Technicians. She collects important health data prior to our patients seeing Dr. Parker, and also assists with contact lens training. Lisette is bilingual in English and Spanish. In addition to working in the Optometric field, Lisette has a Degree in Culinary Arts of Pastry. She enjoys baking, volunteering in her community and going to the beach.